H5 InvitationH5 invitation, H5 interactives
Wechat WebsiteWechat mini website customization
Mobile e-CommerceWechat eCommerce platform
Lucky DrawLucky draw to win gift prizes
Wechat LotteryA great way to attract Wechat follower
Wechat CipherUser to send code to Wechat OA to win prize
Quiz GameQuiz game to engage and reward followers
Mobile VotingVoting game to incentivize social sharing
Wechat HongbaoWechat payment and Hongbao
SurveySurvey to better understand followers
e-VoucherIntegrate with Wechat voucher system
Birthday GreetingSystem to send automated birthday message
Referral SystemReferral prize for recommending friends
Wechat ShakeShake feature to engage follower
Crowd FundingCrowd funding for engagement
Store HongbaoOffline Wechat Hongbao